“Audience is the new currency.” –Jamie M. Swanson

What is Personal Brand Photography

Personal Brand Photography (PBP) is your visual story. PBP uses a blend of photojournalism, lifestyle, and portrait photography to tell the story of you and your business. I help you to authentically communicate your brand and make a meaningful connection with your audience.

“A brand is the set of expectations, memories, stories and relationships that, taken together, account for a consumer’s decision to choose one product or service over another.” — Seth Godin

Who needs Personal Brand Photography

If you are an Artist, Entrepreneur, Influencer, or Blogger then you need Personal Brand Photography.

If you need a steady stream of photos to post, because Selfies and Headshots just won’t do it anymore.

“People will do business with and refer business to those people they know, like and trust.”― Bob Burg

Die besten Sehenswürdigkeiten von Berlin

Berlin, die Hauptstadt Deutschlands, ist reich an kulturellen und historischen Sehenswürdigkeiten. Das Brandenburger Tor ist eines der bekanntesten Wahrzeichen und symbolisiert die Wiedervereinigung des Landes. Ein weiteres Highlight ist der Fernsehturm, der mit einer atemberaubenden Aussicht über die Stadt beeindruckt.

Die Museumsinsel beherbergt eine Sammlung weltberühmter Museen, darunter das Pergamonmuseum. Der Tiergarten ist ein weitläufiger Park, ideal für Spaziergänge und Entspannung. Das Holocaust-Mahnmal erinnert an die tragische Vergangenheit, während die East Side Gallery die Überreste der Berliner Mauer darstellt und Kunstwerke aus der Zeit der Wende zeigt. Diese Top Sehenswürdigkeiten Berlin zu einzigartigen Reiseziel.

Why Personal Brand Photography

With PBP you can potentially:

    • Increase Sales by 9%
    • Save 14 Hours a Month
    • Increase Connection, Value, Trust & Consistency
    • Authentically & Professionally Tell Your Visual Story
    • Create a Library of Photos Unique to Your Brand

Use These Photos For

  • Website
  • Blog
  • Social Media Accounts:  Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, Etc.
  • Ads
  • E-Mail
  • Bussines Cards
  • Press Release/Media Kit
  • Video/Slideshow

The list keeps going.  You can use these photos on/in anything you think of.

“A pro can help you with more than just lighting and lenses that exceed the quality of your standard iPhone. An experienced pro can help you with composition and visual storytelling.” —Buddy Scalera

Hello! I am Rebecca Lynch and I want to be
Your Personal Photographer.

I help Entrepreneurs and Influencers like you to tell your story using photos. 



You need a steady stream of photos to post and connect with your audience. You don’t have time for that. With over 14 years of experience I can give you beautiful, professional photos that your audience will fall in love with.


I am currently located in Minneapolis, Minnesota and I am willing to travel.

“A great brand is a story that’s never completely told. A brand is a metaphorical story that connects with something very deep – a fundamental appreciation of mythology. Stories create the emotional context people need to locate themselves in a larger experience.” – Scott Bedbury – Nike, Starbucks

What is a Story

We all have a story to tell.  We just have to decide which story(ies) to tell. 

In a pre-planning session we talk about things that you are already posting about, your business, and your brand.  We talk about your routines, rituals, hobbies, and family.  Then we determine what story(ies) you want to tell.

You might want to tell the story of you painting in your studio.  You might want to show your morning beauty routine, or your sun salutation.  Maybe your family likes to cook together, so you want to tell that story. 

“Marketing is no longer about the stuff that you make, but about the stories you tell.” — Seth Godin

Packages Include

  • Skilled, Professional Photographer
  • Pre-Planning Session before every Shoot
  • 1 Year Contract with Quarterly Shoots
  • Commercial Usage License(Use your photos wherever you like.)
  • Priority Scheduling
  • Full Editing Rights
  • Same Day Image Selection
  • Social Media Cropping
  • High Resolution Photos

Due to the high-touch nature of my services, I accept only 12 PBP clients per year.

Package 1: 

For the Entrepreneur who wants it all and is posting multiple times a day to social media.

$7000/per Quarter*

Unlimited Stories

Unlimited Photos

9 Hours of Shooting

4 Mini Events, 2 Hours(Anywhere a Story would benefit your Business.  Ex. Keynote Speech, Book Signing, Conference, Etc.)

Package 2:

For the Entrepreneur who is posting 7, or more times a week to social media.

$5000/per Quarter*

5 Stories

90 Photos**

6 Hours of Shooting

2 Mini Events, 30 Photos, 2 Hours (Anywhere a Story would benefit your Business.  Ex. Keynote Speech, Book Signing, Conference, Etc.)

Package 3:

For the Entrepreneur who is posting 4-5 times a week to social media.

$4000/per Quarter*

3 Stories

60 Photos**

4 Hours of Shooting

*Monthly payment plans and paid in full discounts available, please inquire

*Plus Sales Tax.

**Additional Photos are $75 each.

Not sure Personal Brand Photography is for you? Not sure how many photos you will need? Mini sessions might be a perfect choice

Mini Sessions Include

  • Skilled, Professional Photographer
  • Commercial Usage License(Use your photos wherever you like.)
  • Full Editing Rights
  • Social Media Cropping
  • High Resolution Photos

Mini Branding Session:


1 Story

25 Photos**

2 Hours of Shooting

Artist Package:

$1000 *

Artwork Only

20 Photos**

2 Hours of Shooting



1 Story

5 Photos**

30 Minutes of Shooting

*Must be paid in full

*Plus Sales Tax

**Additional Photos $75 Each

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